Dateline: March 17, for some people Saint Patrick’s day. What I see is yet another Catholic holiday taken over by the capitalist marketplace and turned into a pretty distraction.
🌎 Lil
🌟 Charlie
🌎 What a fucking cynic I’ve become! I was idealistic in my youth, like Jack and Sophie, and like them I awakened as I aged to the reality of humankind and their ridiculous, stupid, ugly and sinful behavior. I stopped hoping that anyone or anything could change them. Now, I'm certain that an imminent climate fluctuation makes it too late for us to evolve spiritually and save ourselves from extinction.
🌟 And I say—and I hold the ace on opinions here because I can see further than you can—I say that a remnant will survive and that those few who survive will succeed because they evolved spiritually. They’ll revive their dormant genetic and cultural inheritance of kinship. They’ll embrace values like cooperation, generosity, kindness and love that were embraced by the earliest Sapiens and characterized all the various hominins before Sapiens. It’s bullshit to claim that the interpersonal violence seen in today’s nonhuman primates shows that humans are violent by nature. Just because your cousins are assholes doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole, too. And hey, yes, let’s call it the asshole gene. At least people will know immediately and exactly what behavioral patterns we’re talking about. Nobody needs an official list of psychopathic traits to tell you when somebody’s got the asshole gene.
🌎 I love the phrase. Asshole says it all. Of course, it's unfair to the real ass holes. They’re just our bodies’ innocent waste disposal units. Real ass holes are essential! Asshole Sapiens, on the other hand, are a royal pain in the . . .
🌟 Right-o! So, let’s get serious.
🌎 Let’s Play!
🌟 Let’s seriously play!
🌎 Charlie, how about just letting our conversations speak for us instead of trying to organize it all into a book of narrative text. When we talk in real time, in sacred space, there’s an energy and shameless honesty that comes through. Like when two dear old friends are talking. Which is what we are. We’re not worrying about what anyone else will think, or whether we’re saying things in the most entertaining or instructive way. The passion that we both feel for the salvation of the Sapiens comes through loud and clear
🌟 . . . even though we sometimes get impatient with their stupidity.
🌎 We put on the table all our frustration, sure, but also our compassion for these suffering creatures. // But also Charlie, I have seen through your eyes. The world can’t be only-human to me ever again. Do I want to share this deeply personal experience with the world? Tell people about my relationship with you? My most private experience? My truth? It’s terrifying. People might love it or despise it, but if anyone pays attention, my life will never be the same. So? Do I dare?
🌟 How you dare! How you dare! How you dare! . . . If you’re jealous, sue me . . . Look at your reality, too bad. Even if I die now, I’m damn happy. Says BTS.
🌎 Mic Drop. Those guys aren’t just performers. They teach their vast audience about hard work and dreaming, friendship and love. They model how we could all be more vulnerable and open with one another. They’re role models of how men might behave, their strength under control, friendly towards one another and respectful of the women. // Argh! Charlie, come on and answer me! Do I dare to share you with the world?
🌟 I say yes. BTS say yes. Dream yourself, love yourself, speak yourself, they say. Dare! // Hey, look out the window. The mailman just dropped something into our box.
🌎 Stay focused Charlie! My question, getting back to business, is how to speak it. A book would be lovely, but is it the best way for actually sharing our ideas with the world . . .
🌟 in another vain attempt to save the humans from themselves . . .
🌎 yes, which is totally audacious, but toujours l’audace!* Ummm was that a question?
🌟 The question on the table is how to speak it.
🌎 Wait. Wait a minute. There’s another question we have to answer first: Who the hell are you? How can I share this vision of ours if I still don’t know who you are?
🌟 Lil, you can’t know who I am. You don’t have the brains or the sensory receptors to know who I am. You don’t have the concepts to understand me or even the language to describe who I am. So, let it go, okay? I y’am what I y’am.
🌎 Says Charlie, Popeye and the Mono-God of Moses! Haha!
🌟 So, why don't we start a blog and post this stuff online? It might be the best match for your skill set and the times.
🌎 A blog scares me because it’s so public. Wait, maybe I can keep it off searches for a start and get feedback from friends first.
🌟 Nope, nope-de-dope. I don’t think we should allow ourselves to be swayed by other people’s opinions. You’re too fragile in your confidence. To make this work, you'll have to learn to be daring and audacious.
🌎 And that’s where we left off last time. Something inside me has to change first. Okay, mon capitan. I’m ready. If not now, when?** I’ll transcribe our conversations and post them, starting now, today.
🌟 With a picture of some kind or a cartoon.
🌎 Right. Definitely some illustration. // Wait! I gotta go check the soup. //// I’m ba-ack! And I'll restart here: even if I die now, I’ll be damn happy. Happy to spit it out at last. This vision drags me down, Charlie. A vision has to be shared. If you hold it all inside, it starts to push at you and make you jumpy and anxious. That’s why artists feel compelled to share their art. And why I have to share my vision, so I can die happy.
🌟 Okay, Lil. Count me in.
🌎 Remember, no explanations. No disclaimers. No citations. Toujours l’audace!
🌟 Yes! 👊 And this is our first post.
* as George Patton used to say.
** as Rabbi Hillel once said.
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